Scanlation Johnny Goodbye

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Staff member
Aug 24, 2013
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Johnny Goodbye adalah serial komik yang dimulai pada tahun 1969 dengan tim asal Belanda Louis Martin sebagai penulis dan Dino Attanasio (Belgia) sebagai juru gambar. Selama bertahun-tahun, skenario juga ditulis oleh orang lain. Setting komik (di sebagian besar album) bertempat di Chicago dari era American Prohibition dan era public enemy "mafia" (Al Capone, John Dillinger dsb). (wiki)

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List Download :
  1. Melawan Gerombolan Barker
  2. Bandit Pentas
  3. Petarung Jalanan
  4. Bertualang ke Wild West
  5. Medali Emas Olimpiade
  6. 05. Hanky Panky
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Tau komik ini pertama kali dari majalah eppo. Paling suka saat melawan al capone...😀😀😀.
Ma Barker

Freeze I'm ma Baker
Put your hands in the air and give me all your money
This is the story of ma Baker the meanest cat from old Chicago town
She was the meanest cat
In old Chicago town
She was the meanest cat
She really mowed them down
She had no heart at all
No no no heart at all
She was the meanest cat
For she was really tough
She left her husband flat
He wasn't tough enough
She took her boys along
'Cause they were mean and strong
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She taught her four sons
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
To handle their guns
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She never could cry
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
But she knew how to die
They left a trail of crime
Across the USA
And when one boy was killed
She really made them pay
She had no heart at all
No no no heart at all
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She taught…
Ma Barker

Freeze I'm ma Baker
Put your hands in the air and give me all your money
This is the story of ma Baker the meanest cat from old Chicago town
She was the meanest cat
In old Chicago town
She was the meanest cat
She really mowed them down
She had no heart at all
No no no heart at all
She was the meanest cat
For she was really tough
She left her husband flat
He wasn't tough enough
She took her boys along
'Cause they were mean and strong
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She taught her four sons
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
To handle their guns
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She never could cry
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
But she knew how to die
They left a trail of crime
Across the USA
And when one boy was killed
She really made them pay
She had no heart at all
No no no heart at all
Ma ma ma ma
Ma Baker
She taught…

Lagunya Boney M ya mas
o ya? sempat di eppo dan terputus ya? saya malah gak inget sama sekali.
btw, judul ini aslinya vol berapa ya? barusan browsing2 kok gak nemu yg covernya seperti ini?
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o ya? sempat di eppo dan terputus ya? saya malah gak inget sama sekali.
btw, judul ini aslinya vol berapa ya? barusan browsing2 kok gak nemu yg covernya seperti ini?
Mbak untuk judul Bandit Pentas ini memang tidak pernah dijadikan album tapi dimuat di majalah Eppo Belanda dan belakangan dimuat juga di majalah Eppo Indonesia mulai nomor 40an sebelum terputus karena Majalah Eppo Indonesia berhenti terbit
Mbak untuk judul Bandit Pentas ini memang tidak pernah dijadikan album tapi dimuat di majalah Eppo Belanda dan belakangan dimuat juga di majalah Eppo Indonesia mulai nomor 40an sebelum terputus karena Majalah Eppo Indonesia berhenti terbit
Oh pantesan gak nemu hehehe.
Makasih info nya ya mas 😊
Komik zaman dulu memang beda ya feelnya dengan yg sekarang.. (y)
Sama seperti nonton Tom & Jerry jaman dulu dan yang sekarang. Kalau yg sekarang kesannya terlalu dibuat-buat lucu sehingga akhirnya jadi tidak lucu lagi. :D